CAMBRIA COUNTY PRISON A 451 BED FACILITY  Location: EBENSBURG PA. The first geothermal heat pump prison in North America Geo system designed by RMA    ...
311 Dundas St.

311 Dundas St.

311 Dundas St. NZEB/NZCB Ready Year: 2010 40 UNIT RENTAL BUILDING Location: 311 DUNDAS ST. WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO  ...
Harvey Woods Lofts

Harvey Woods Lofts

Harvey Woods Lofts NZEB/NZCB Ready 40 Units Year: 2013 Location: Woodstock, Ontario  ...
Audrey Hirt Academic Center

Audrey Hirt Academic Center

Audrey Hirt Academic Center NEAR NET ZERO ENERGY/CARBON – NO FOSSIL FUELS Location: Mercyhurst University, Erie, PA.  ...
St. Patrick’s High School

St. Patrick’s High School

St. Patrick’s High School NEAR NET ZERO ENERGY/CARBON – NO FOSSIL FUELS Year: 1992 Location: Sarnia, Ontario The first and largest geo school retrofit in Canada....